Summing Up

admin blog, news

StatisticsWe often focus on the stories of individual life change – because it’s at the heart of our vision of thriving people in thriving communities. But just as often, people are surprised by the extent of our reach as an organization.

In 2014, hundreds of individuals were part of our programs, and many of those attended hundreds of times over the year! Here are just a few of our stats from the past year.

114 people received HIV tests while being counselled. Each HIV+ client was invited to attend our HIV Support Group for ongoing care and mentorship.

190 community members received in-home health care visits, including spiritual counselling and prayer, HIV testing and awareness, assistance with meds and palliative care.

183 food parcels were distributed in 2014 to families dealing with crisis. During this time these clients received counselling and relevant assistance to help them become self-reliant again.

9 child-headed house-holds and Gogo’s looking after orphans were supported with food parcels, prayer and counselling throughout the year.

6 social service clients stopped receiving food parcels because they either are now on the government grant system or their heath has improved and they are able to support their families again.

6 social issue cases out of the 14 that were reported (since July) have been resolved, through counselling, prayer and partnering with relevant local services and organisations.

161 people attended FGW trainings, where they learnt new farming methods and received discipleship training.

3 advanced sewing students graduated from our 2-year sewing program with skills that will help them earn an income to support their families.

141 children between age 5-14 attended daily after school lessons throughout 2014. Each day they received a snack, educational lessons and participated in a fun activity.

8 students graduated from our Simunye program and will attend our Live Out Loud program next year.

15 high school students graduated from our 2-year Live Out Loud Leadership Development Course for 15-17 year olds.

474 local school students received a weekly Christian-based Life Skills teaching.

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