admin blog, news

Term 1 blog 2 picMarch 2015 Quarterly Programs Report

Using available resources – time, land and local markets – Seed of Hope empowers people
to change their own lives.
In our Sewing Program, Ernestina (Sewing Trainer) and 2 of our graduates are taking an
advanced fashion design course. This term the course has covered skills such as pattern drafting,
new techniques for linings, and how to make ladies skirts and mens shirts.


This year we have split the Sewing Program into phases and learners will be evaluated on their
skills in order to move to the next phase.

5 ladies are in the beginners phase (table runners, aprons, oven gloves, drawstring bags).
2 ladies are in the intermediate phase (placemats, snappy bags, sheeting, cushions, baby slings,
hair bands).
3 ladies are in the advanced phase (basic skirt,cosmetic and fashion bag, table cloth, clutch
purse, coasters).
Our current and graduated students participate in a monthly I Heart Market where:
5 current students contribute products to this market and earn an income from products sold.
4 graduated students contribute products to this market and earn an income from products
In our Farming God’s Way Program, this February’s harvest showed a huge improvement over
last years, with maize stalk growth reaching over 11 feet high. The sugar beans suffered due to a
blister beetle infestation but a lot has been learnt, the soil has been enriched and new relationships
have been built with local store owners (where green mealies were sold). This generated a lot of
interest from the local community and endorsements from our local Inkosi. So far this year there
we have held:
1 compost training with 5 trainees.
25 follow-up trainings at implementation sites.

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