“Give thanks!” A few weeks ago I shared the celebration of Thanksgiving with my South African friends. We were a group with a wide variety of backgrounds, languages and cultures. Even after eight years here I still find it strange to celebrate Thanksgiving in the Spring time surrounded by new life bursting forth in the form of fresh green leaves, migrating birds and warmer weather. (The same is true for Christmas in the Summer and Easter in the Fall!)
I have come to realize that so much of my memories and emotional attachments to significant days are shaped by my life’s experiences; more so than I am even aware of until they are put into a different context. While it may not FEEL like the same holiday that I grew up with, it helps me to focus on the importance of the day – in this case giving God thanks for his provision, protection, guidance and abundant goodness throughout the past year.
All of us from very different journeys could join in the celebration of giving thanks to God for he has been so good to us all. Our situations may be different, but He is the same – worthy of praise and thanks!
Sometimes God has a new season for us that is also unfamiliar to what we have come to expect from our life’s experiences but because we know that he is trustworthy, we can have confidence in His perfect timing.
This newsletter gives evidence of both God’s faithfulness, and also a new season with its new life, new opportunities, and new challenges. We are celebrating God’s ongoing faithfulness to us in the lives of so many staff, volunteers, children and community members.
I also want to say “Thank you” to all who pray, give, visit, work, follow on FB, send cards, volunteer, work on the ground, participate in our programs and help us respond to needs, equip leaders and change communities.
(Heather Liebenberg)