Healthy Homes & Families

Healthy Homes and Families (HHF) Parent Capacity Building Course: Our Community Care staff reach parents and guardians of students in our child and youth development programs as well as other community members that are eager to improve their parenting skills with a Christian-based capacity building course to empower guardians and parents in their personal role in their child’s development and wellbeing. The families that have already participated reported a wider understanding about the importance of nutrition, healthy discipline and communication and that they have an active role to play in their child’s development.


Elderly Support Groups

Where over 54% of local children are being raised and provided for by their Gogo (grandmother), many who are dependent on the elderly grant and responsible for supporting their families. Our two Elderly Support groups reach between 40-60 women on a weekly basis. Creating a safe space for them to share, grow and receive counselling, training and support.

Moms & baby support group

Our moms and baby support group helps young moms transition well into parenthood and empowers them to play a more active role in their child’s early development.This support setting focuses on educating mothers on how best to raise their babies, bond with them and make wise decisions regarding breastfeeding, development and vaccines. This interactive group meets weekly and includes counselling, prayer and a time for the moms to share about how they are coping.


Crisis Intervention & Referral

Due to the lack of infrastructure and services available in the communities where our progarms are situated, SOH operates as a crisis referral hub, where community members can come and report their situation and receive first contact counselling, prayer, relevant follow up and referral or action planning to assist them in the resolution of their crisis. SOH also continues to support clients with chronic illnesses (HIV, TB, Cancer and diabetes) with home visits and by taking them for their clinic trips.