Shifting Paradigms

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(March 2014)

What does your community need? It was a simple question for the 22 entrepreneurs who attended the Paradigm Shift training at Seed of Hope. It seemed like a

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Seed of Hope Overview (VIDEO)

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We’ve produced a new video highlighting some of the work we do at the centre to serve empower and mobilize the township of Bhekulwandle. Reading about our programs can provide

Who Are the Experts?

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It’s well-established in community development that the greater people’s participation in the process, the more effective the result. Real and sustained change requires involvement by community members, who must make an

Confidence Stitch by Stitch

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Bongi Cele is an elderly female from Bhekulwandle who previously had no skills and struggled in her life because of this. This made her feel discouraged and disempowered in her


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It’s exciting when success comes through the joint effort of South Africans and supporters from overseas. We believe that the best solutions start with local people and funding, and then

Equipped to Care

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It was five years ago that Zama first found herself at the Seed of Hope. She had heard of the Centre while attending her church. Inspired by what they were

Lessons Learned

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If you were to peek inside the workings of the Seed of Hope Centre in Bhekulwandle, you might be surprised by some of the decisions we make. I say this

The Potential in Each Child

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Twenty-six small children are colouring. Khethiwe, their teacher, leans over a girl’s shoulder, steadying her little hand and speaking in soothing tones. 45 minutes later, the children have had a

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A Life Saved (video)

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Sindi was diagnosed with HIV three years ago while pregnant with her youngest child, and wisely had her CD4 count checked. This test reveals how strong or weak a person’s

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Changing Lives One Stitch at a Time

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Thanks to you, sewing classes are empowering women in Bhekulwandle!

Until recently, Ernestina would unlock the heavy padlock on the gated door to the sewing skills room each morning, enter

Am I Doing Something?

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“We all know what AIDS stands for: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. But we have adopted a different acronym for AIDS: Am I Doing Something? What are you doing about AIDS?

Jumping in the Deep End

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A recent entry from Seed of Hope CEO, Carl Waldron’s personal blog…

It’s our first pool training day, and I’m buzzing with excitement. Eleven teenage boys from Bhekulwandle are about

Out of the Mouth of Babes

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An everyday English lesson opens a volunteer’s eyes to her Bhekulwandle students’ reality.

Recently Jacqui, a volunteer teacher working with the 11-14 year-olds on their English lessons, asked the students to

God’s Provision

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Donna recently visited the Seed of Hope South Africa and had the opportunity to accompany Sylvia on a trip to the local market. She was humbled by the faith of

Born Into Weeds

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Buli came running into the office yelling, “Please help Michelle. There is a lady, and a baby, but the other thing. The thing. You know, the thing… is not coming.

Lihle’s Last Day

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At Seed of Hope, we cherish our annual Christmas Party. Thanks to generous support from the community and our supporters we are able to provide each child with a special