Shifting Paradigms

admin blog, news

(March 2014)

What does your community need? It was a simple question for the 22 entrepreneurs who attended the Paradigm Shift training at Seed of Hope. It seemed like a new concept to them. All of a sudden the conversations started. People began dreaming and there were no limits. You could almost hear some mindsets being shifted.


To be in the room at the Seed of Hope Centre during this explosion of ideas was an amazing experience. People that previously were quite downcast about their business success began to come alive.

It is our dream that local communities would thrive with growing businesses. With the unemployment rate above 35% in Bhekulwandle, starting businesses is a viable way for people to support their families.

In January, Seed of Hope hosted its first Paradigm Shift Business Experience Course. The graduates of this course were invited to participate in an 18 week Business Growth Course: Discovering How to Expand Your Business with Character and Integrity which began in February.

We hope this training will equip local entrepreneurs to be successful and give back to their communities.

Learn more about the Paradigm Shift program by visiting

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