Matric Results 2014

admin blog, news


Results 1As we can see in the above posts, last year Kwa-Zulu Natal had the second lowest Grade 12 results in the country. At Seed of Hope we want to make sure we are equipping tomorrows leaders in every area of their lives.

This year, the Live Out Loud leadership development program will expand, from two to four years  – from Grade 9 through Grade 12, and monthly support meeting for previous graduates. This course focuses on four themes: My Life, My Faith, My Community, My Future, along with an academic support homework club available two afternoons each week.

We are also expanding our Schools Outreach Life Skills Program into four local schools, reaching grades 7-8’s to address student issues including their potential and value, culture and beliefs, drugs, gangs, abuse, teenage pregnancy and other challenges facing these teens.

As students take greater responsibility for their lives, they are empowered to make better decisions for their futures.

Results 2









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