Two ladies who attended our initial Khulanathi Process pilot in October 2017, Thandazile and Zamile were both unemployed and not sure what they wanted to do with their futures.
As a result of the training, Thandazile has started studying further but also had an idea to start her own business. Zamile loves cooking and has earned a reputation as really good cook! Together they decided in January 2018 to open up a fast food business across the road from our Centre.
They said they learnt so much through the adult life skills and leadership and the employment preparation training and felt inspired to get their futures back on track. They were empowered with the knowledge and practical skills needed to start this new initiative.
From what they have learnt about meeting a community need and choosing the right target market, they have found a niche targeting the taxi drivers, construction workers and people that catch public transport every morning and afternoon. They also sell a product that appeals to their market and have not just duplicated what already exists in the area. Instead of selling Zulu vetkoek and slap chips, they sell plated cooked meals including their popular beef curry.
They are receiving continued mentorship and support from the SOH facilitators throughout this journey, and Thandazile is now attending SOH’s first Entrepreneurial and Business Training (EBT) to help her grow in her business planning and management skills.